Northeastern Woodworker's Association 2025 Showcase Commercial Space
Come see CNC in action at the Northeastern Woodworker's Association 2025 Showcase Commercial Space, Saturday & Sunday, March 29-30, 2025 (10 am – 5 pm).

Midwest Tool Expo & Auction
Come see CNC in action at the Midwest Tool Expo & Auction, January 23–25, 2025!

Digital Wood Carver Open House – Live Demos, Vendors & Training
Join us for the Digital Wood Carver Open House from November 7-9 in Martinsville, IN!
This 3-day event is packed with live CNC demos, expert training from Laney Shaughnessy, and vendor showcases featuring top woodworking brands.

The Great Lakes Logging & Heavy Equipment Expo 2024
The Great Lakes Logging & Heavy Equipment Expo is a 3-day expo

the 77th Annual NYS Woodsmen’s Field Days
The NYS Woodsmens Field Days is held at the Fairgrounds in Boonville, New York the third full weekend in August. This event honors the forestry industry. This gathering is a major stop on the lumberjack and lumberjill competition circuit. The Field Days brings together a huge variety of forestry related displays of interest to both the professional logger and the occasional firewood cutter.
Source: https://woodsmensfielddays.com/

Houston, TX | The Woodworking Show 2024
See Digital Wood Carver CNCs in action at The Woodworking Shows in Houston, TX in JUNE 21-23, 2024

Nashville, TN | The Woodworking Shows
Join Digital Wood Carver in Nashville, TN at The Woodworking Shows

Kansas City, MO | The Woodworking Show
Join Digital Wood Carver in Kansas City at The Wood Working Show

Tampa, FL | The Woodworking Shows
See Digital Wood Carver CNCs in action at The Woodworking Shows in Tampa, FL March 8 - 10 2023!

St. Louis, MO | The Woodworking Shows
See Digital Wood Carver CNCs in action at The Woodworking Shows in St. Louis, MO February 23-25, 2024!

Milwaukee, WI | The Woodworking Shows
See Digital Wood Carver CNCs in action at The Woodworking Shows in Milwaukee, WI Feb 16 – 18, 2024!

Join Digital Wood Carver in Atlanta, Ga. at The Woodworking Shows Event.

Indianapolis, IN | The Woodworking Shows
See Digital Wood Carver CNCs in action at The Woodworking Shows in Indianapolis, IN January 26 – 28, 2024!

Columbus, OH | The Woodworking Shows
See Digital Wood Carver CNCs in action at The Woodworking Shows in Columbus, OH January 19 – 21, 2024!

Baltimore, MD | The Woodworking Shows
See Digital Wood Carver CNCs in action at The Woodworking Shows in Baltimore, MD January 6 - 8, 2023!

Kentucky Wood Expo
Digital Wood Carver will be exhibiting at the Kentucky Wood Expo Live September 15-16, 2023.
The Kentucky Wood Expo is returning to Lexington, KY on September 15th and 16th at Masterson Station Park. This year marks the 35th Kentucky Wood Expo, which has been ranked as one of the top 10 events in Kentucky by the Tourism Council.

Great Lakes Logging Expo
Digital Wood Carver will be exhibiting at the Great Lakes Logging Expo on September 7-9, 2023.
The Great Lakes Logging & Heavy Equipment Expo is a 3-day expo that takes place in September throughout the Lake States region of the United States. Over 300 indoor and outdoor exhibitors attend each year to showcase the best of the best when it comes to Log Splitters, Portable Sawmills, Compact Tractors & Logging Equipment, Chainsaw Carving, Wood/Pellet Stove Dealers, and much, much more.

Hoosier Hardwood Festival
The Hoosier Hardwood Festival is full of fun, features and entertainment for; not only industry pros & hobbyists, but the whole family! Here's a sneak peek at what you can expect to find. Click any green link for more details about that festival feature!
For Everyone
Lumberjacks compete in a variety of 10 different skills competitions!
Lumberjacks teach log rolling, axe throwing, and X-cut sawing!
Interactive experience for kids & adults!
Chainsaw carving artists & auctions
20+ artists from around the country carving all day & selling art!
Silent auction on Friday & Saturday!
Live auctions on Saturday & Sunday, with buy-now pricing available throughout the weekend!
Indiana's Best Logger Competition
Watch the best pros from Indiana showcase their skills in a competition for bragging rights!
Learn about the state's most renewable resource, our forests!
Woods on Wheels Interactive Exhibit
Immerse yourself in a virtual forest and learn cool facts!
Festival Marketplace
Woodworking demos, artists & crafters and retail shopping!
Fun and interactivites & crafts!
Meet & feed some exotic animals & birds!
Food trucks & beer garden!
Live music & kids' entertainment!
For Industry Pros / Hobbyists
Heavy machinery & equipment
Lumbermen's tools
Woodworking tools
Safety gear
Live demos

NYS Woodsmen’s Field Days Returns
The NYS Woodsmens Field Days is held at the Fairgrounds in Boonville, New York the third full weekend in August. This event honors the forestry industry. This gathering is a major stop on the lumberjack and lumberjill competition circuit. The Field Days brings together a huge variety of forestry related displays of interest to both the professional logger and the occasional firewood cutter.

Florida Open House
Even if you have no prior experience with CNCs, we'll show you how easy it is to design and carve projects using a CNC machine, and all the ways you can use it to make money!

Customer Meeting Florida
Join us for an exciting opportunity to take your woodworking skills to the next level!

Indiana Open House
Even if you have no prior experience with CNCs, we'll show you how easy it is to design and carve projects using a CNC machine, and all the ways you can use it to make money!

Customer Meeting Martinsville
Join us for an exciting opportunity to take your woodworking skills to the next level!

NWA - Northeastern Woodworkers Association
Digital Wood Carver will be exhibiting at the
Northeastern Woodworkers Association’s
Annual Fine Woodworking Show
Featuring the Fine Craftsmanship of Regional Amateur and Professional Woodworkers
March 25 & 26, 2023
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saratoga Springs City Center
Saratoga Springs, NY
Click here to purchase tickets in advance.
Lodging for Showcase
The Saratoga Hilton has special room rates for NWA Showcase & Totally Turning. Rooms go fast so make your reservation early.
Reserve Your Room at the Saratoga Hilton
The Northeastern Woodworkers Association (NWA) is an all volunteer, nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization, dedicated to the advancement of the arts and crafts of fine woodworking through education, programs and activities.
Formed in New York State’s Capital District in 1991 for amateur and professional woodworkers of all ages, the NWA helps its members learn from each other and from outside experts, in a variety of ways. The association’s aim is to provide a common meeting ground for lovers of woodworking who want to know more about wood and the techniques for forming it.

TWWS - New Jersey
Come out and see the Digital Wood Carver at The Woodworking Shows Edison, NJ Event.
Pre-Order any DWC2440 and DWC 1824 Package and get FREE shipping when picked up at this location during the show.